- Title: title to be displayed on the checkout page eg. Pickup Address
- Address: Store multiple address by using the (+) sign and use (-) sign to remove address
- Date Format: format of the date retrieved from datepicker
- Shipping: Name of the Pickup Method used in shipping i.e Pickup
- Day chooser: Choose the dates to be disabled in datepicker.
- You can disable specific date using Choose Day option
- Choose none if you want all dates to be selectable
- Time:
- You can disable specific time using start and end time.
- Set interval for within each hour. i.e. 15 minutes or 30 minutes
- Rename Shipping: All instances of shipping will be renamed to delivery.
- Notes: to be displayed under the pickup address i.e. Please Bring your Goverment Id proof etc., (HTML formatting supported)
Shipping Settings
Navigate to shipping under settings

Click on the new Shipping Method and Add a new shipping called Pickup**. You can either charge the user for pickup or offer it as a free service. So the amount can be left blank if free.
**The name should match the shipping name entered in the Instore Admin Page under Shipping.
Email Templates
Order Confirmation
Navigate to email template and click on order confirmation

Open the template and Scroll to line no 65 and you can find the code
<#if order.isShippingRequired && order.shippingAddress?has_content>
Replace with
<#if order.isShippingRequired && order.shippingAddress?has_content && order.shippingMethod!='Pickup'>
End result will look like

**The shippingMethod should match the shipping name entered in the Instore Admin Page under Shipping.
New Order Placed
Go back to the email templates main page and navigate to New Order Placed under Admin Notifications.

Open the template and scroll to line 248
<#if order.shippingAddress?has_content || order.shippingMethod.name?has_content>
Replace with
<#if order.shippingAddress?has_content || order.shippingMethod.name?has_content && order.shippingMethod!='Pickup'>
**The shippingMethod should match the shipping name entered in the Instore Admin Page under Shipping.
Save the data and access the store front.
Shipping page

Checkout page

Paypal Standard
If you are using paypal standard as the payment gateway, please follow this steps
- Login into your paypal account.
- Visit My profile -> My selling tools -> Website preferences -> update
- Turn on the Auto Return
- Under Return URL: http://app.ecwid.com/paypalstandard/xxxxxxx (replace xxxxxxx with your Store ID i.e 3453455 – you can find it footer of ecwid when you are logged in)
- Turn on Payment Data Transfer
- Ignore the rest of the settings and click save.
Order comments
Once order is created you can find the pickup address under the order comments.